
Module 1: Understanding the Nature of a Motorsport Crisis

What is a Crisis

  • Major incident involving spectators, competitors, media or event officials both on and off track / course resulting in injury or fatality
  • Inappropriate incident causing reputational damage
  • Major problems with facilities or amenities (especially for new events / venues)
  • Espionage (break in of facilities to steal sensitive information)
  • Epidemic (food poisoning, major sickness)
  • Natural disaster
  • Terrorist threat
  • Political rally / civil disobedience / protest / vandalism

Common features of a crisis

  • Low probability
  • High impact
  • Capacity to damage of your event, reputation of your club / federation, motorsport in your country and worldwide
  • Time to act is short
  • Demand for someone to blame
  • Urgent demand for information

Special Motorsport features

  • Spectators on event in particular on rallies become on the scene reporters via social media
  • Your event can go viral and become a global news story in minutes
  • Potential impact on the reputation of motorsport around the world

Plan for a Crisis

  • Fail to plan , plan to fail